Call for Papers for the XXV CBBD – 2013
To submit your paper click here
The XXV CBBD pretends to reveal the state of the art of researches, the practices and the development of products and services related with the libraries, systems of information, documentation and networks of libraries in Brazil and abroad, in the context of the information and knowledge society.
The event will contemplate the Presentation of Oral Papers, Parallel Events and Plenary Sessions with speeches and lectures; Thematic Sessions and Round Tables, that will give the opportunity to the participants to know theoretical foundations and experiences implemented by the units of information under the angles of the Libraries, of the Information and of the Users and the approach of transformation for the Librarianship and Science of the Information, of the Technologies of Information and Communication for the organization and access to the information, transliteracy: differentials of the users and the information professionals, the Libraries and services of information in a stage of transformations and the sustainability. The event will provide space for debates and the formulation of recommendations, improvements and extension of actions in the area.
The Congress Main Subject Congress is:
Libraries, Information, Users-Approach of transformation for the Librarianship and Information Science.
The Thematic Areas settled and the Procedures for presentation and evaluation of papers are available here bellow.
Thematic I: Technologies of information and communication – a step forward
Specificity and applicability for the Libraries and Information Services. Characteristics of the technologies versus information environment and their users. Professional and personal relations in digital environment. Politics, methodologies and applicative for management and curatorial of bibliographic collections, memorials and institutional. Applications 2.0 and experiences in online social networks. Books, digital reading and portability. Competencies and technologies in the digital era. Evaluation of the use of information technology resources.
Thematic II: Transliteracy: differentials of the users and the information professionals
Competency in the environment of the Libraries and Information Services. Education of the information professionals. Meta-competencies and transliteracy in the Libraries and Information Services. Competitions of access and use of the information for the construction of the knowledge. Perspectives and tendencies of studies and investigations on Competitions of the information. Advocacy. Defense of interests, commitment, activism and performance of the professionals of the information.
Thematic III: Libraries, services of information & sustainability
Innovation and sustainability in the Libraries and Services of Information. Projects and strategic alliances. Social commitment and responsibility of the Libraries and Services of Information. Promotion of the sustainable development of the Libraries and Services of Information. Requirements and values for a sustainable economy of the Libraries and Services of Information. Green libraries. Evaluation of libraries and services of information.
2.1 Evaluation of the papers:
The papers, in the whole, will be subjected to the selection and evaluation made by the Technical Scientific Direction of the XXV CBBD.
2.2 Procedure:
The scientific papers for evaluation will have to be subjected exclusively by the Internet, until the 24h (official schedule of Brasilia) of the day 14 April 2013. Before presenting them, one of the authors has to be registered in the system, which can be done through the link: “Registration”. After the registration, the author has to “initiate session” and will be able to submit the paper by means of the link “Submission of Article”, obeying the specific norms of the format of the papers. The article to be submitted has to be in the “pdf” format. See how convert a file to PDF. The papers will have to be sent without the identification of the authors, according to the model of article. To facilitate the format, put to your disposal also the format word. However, in the moment you registered the metadata in the system, it is necessary the inclusion of all the authors of the paper and the data of institutional affiliation.
Each author will be able to inscribe a maximum of 5 (five) papers, being that the account of the number of papers does not distinguish authorship of co-authorship. It has to be pointed out that each paper will have to be unpublished and that the same will not be able to be presented in more than a thematic area. The maximum number of authors in the papers is 5 (five).
It is important to observe the instructions of format of the papers, as previously it will be made an evaluation of the contents, verifying the fulfillment of the demanded format. There will not be accepted files infected with virus.
2.3 Terms for the sending of the complete papers:
Until 14 April 2013 – Sending of the papers/posters complete.
Note: The integral sending of the paper involves the on-line register of the preliminary registration by means of the available system in the web of the event. The confirmation of participation will be made with the payment of the banking ticket that it has to be form by means of the on-line system. The system allows to follow-up the registrations and the payments made.
2.4 Types of papers to be accepted for the XXV CBBD:
Scientific papers, Reports of experience and Posters.
2.4.1 Forms of presentation of the papers:
The papers will be able to be presented in the communication form oral or poster and the choice will have to be indicated in the Form of Submission of Papers when sending.
2.4.2 Norms of standardization for the paper:
All the papers to be presented have to contemplate the requirements of the Norms of Presentation Tabulate of the IBGE and of the following norms of the ABNT:
NBR 6022:2003 – Information and documentation: article in scientific periodic publication printed. Presentation;
NBR 6023:2002 – Information and documentation: preparation of references;
NBR 6024/2012 – progressive Numbering of the sections of a document;
NBR 6028:2003 – Abstract (Informative Type);
NBR 10520:2002 – Information and documentation: citations in document Presentation.
2.4.3 Technical scientific Papers-, reports of experience and summaries expanded Format
a) The technical scientific papers will have to contain of 9 to 15 pages, including annexes, tables and charts;
b) The reports of experience will have to contain of 7 to 10 pages, including annexes, tables and charts;
c) The summaries expanded will have to contain of 2 to 4 pages, including annexes, tables and charts;
d) Typed in paper size A4, in the version 6.0 or posterior of the editor of text Word of Windows, source Arial, 12;
And) tables and charts in the same version (source Arial, body 11);
f) Leading and spaced of 1,5 cm;
G) Upper and left margins of 3 cm; inferior and right margins of 2 cm;
h) Pagination: insert number of pages in the footer with aligned at the side right;
i) Notes: they have to be placed in the footer of the page;
j) Header: the right upper margin has to possess a header with the following sentence: XXV Brazilian Congress of Librarianship, Documentation and Science of the Information – Florianópolis, SC, Brazil, 07 to 10 July 2013. The characters have to be Arial, size 9, exactly satisfied the model of available article in the web;
k) Title: it has to be in the first line of the first page. Centralized, character Arial size 12, in bold, first character in capital character and the other characters in lower case;
l) Abstract: Two lines bellow the title, the summary has to be in the own language of the paper, with maximum 250 words. It has to be used characters source Arial, size 12, simple spaced between lines.
m) Keywords: immediately down of the abstract, have to be informed the keywords, in the same language of the article. It is suggested the presentation of three keywords to five words, with first character of each word in capital character and the remaining in lower case, separated between yes by the full stop (.).
n) Thematic area: immediately down of the keywords, has to be informed the thematic area of the article.
The) titles of the sections: the titles of the sections of the paper have to be positioned to the left, in bold, numbered with Arab numbers (1, 2, 3 etc.). It has to be used text with character source Arial size 12 in bold. The title of the first section has to be positioned two lines bellow the thematic area.
p) Body of the text: the body of the text has to start bellow the title of the sections, leaving between them a line in white. The body of text must be character source Arial, size 12, justified in the right and left, with spaced between lines 1,5 cm and entrance of paragraph (first line) of1,25 cm, exactly like this paragraph.
- In the case of the use of lists, the available marker has to be range (characters: to), b), c) … or 1., 2., 3. …);
q) Names of the authors: there won´t be identification of the authors in the paper. The identification of the authors of the article, in any part, will involve in the disqualification of the paper. It has to have taken care special in withdrawing the constant identifications in the properties of the file (menu file/properties/abstract). We suggest that, after the conversion for the format PDF, the authors verify this item, acceding to the properties of the document;
r) Long citations (more than three lines), the notes of foot of page, the subheads of the illustrations and/or tables, abstract, words keys and the thematic area have to be typed with simple space;
s) The references have to be typed with simple space and separated between them by a space in simple white, satisfied NBR 6023:2002;
t) The titles of the sections have to be separated of the text that follows by a space in white of 1,5 cm;
u) The titles of the sub sections have to be separated of the text that precede them and that follows by a space in white of 1,5 cm. Oral Communication:
15 minutes of exhibition for the technical papers-scientific, giving priority to the problem of the investigation, to the methodology and to the results obtained.
15 minutes for the reports of experience, allowing to the author to use in his presentation, slides, films and posters.
After the presentation of each work, the audience will have questions for 5 minutes.
Note: The centre of conventions has computer with date show and projection of video.
2.5 Summaries expanded for presentation in posters
2.5.1 Elements
The summaries expanded have to include the following elements:
a) Introduction: present of succinct form the subject, the question, the problem, the justification, the aims of the paper and the main investigations published on the(s) subject(s);
b) Material and Methods: present a succinct form the materials and methods used, such as: method employed, population and sample, technical, instruments and procedures of recollection of data and procedures of analysis;
c) Partial results/Finals: present of succinct form the results pretended and/or obtained until the moment;
d) Partial considerations/Finals: present of succinct form the reflections realized until the moment, the notable aspects on the paper and the recommendations that do necessary;
And) References: present the papers of the quoted authors in the text, satisfied NBR 6023.
Download the Model of the Summary expanded
2.5.2 Presentation
It will be presented in digital format arquivo.ppt (PowerPoint97-2003 or back) –with, a maximum of, 5(five) slides.
The poster will have to be self-explanatory, containing in the first slide: name of the event; title of the paper; name(s) of the(s) author( s), by extensive; name and abbreviation of the institution of origin; name of the city, of the state, of the country and their respective electronic addresses.
2.6. Acceptance of the technical papers:
The technical scientific Committee of the XXV CBBD will send until 20 May 20th 2013, a communication of acceptance of the papers to the respective authors.
The authors of papers selected have to confirm their participation by means of registration in the XXV CBBD until 30 May 2013, so that the same can be included in the official program and in the annals, satisfied on-line instructions of the system of registration.
The papers presented by authors collaborators or by another person will have to be previously presented in the Office of the Congress, letter of the main author with the name of the responsible person for the exposition of the same.
To send his paper click here.